The general opinion that women are worse drivers then men is actually false. Statistically, women are better and safer drivers than men. This is why cheap car insurance for women can be found more regularly than for men. Finding out the reasons for this difference in car insurance, is as simple as taking a look at the statistics.
Women are Cautious
Statistically speaking, women are fined less than their male counterparts. Women are more cautious on the road and follow all of the traffic laws. Women are also slower drivers; more women prefer to drive below the speed limit than above the speed limit. In many states, men have double the reported accidents than women did. The reason why even these accidents do not bother the insurance company is because the accidents are generally rather small. With all of these aspects compounded, women are by far a better choice to insure. It is for this reason, cheap car insurance for women can be found most often than for men.
A Beneficial Policy
It is often much cheaper for a man to be named as a driver on the woman's policy then for the reversed to happen. This is often why many married or long-term couples prefer to have the woman find car insurance first. However, it is also generally found in the insurance industry that if a man is the policy holder, adding a woman driver onto this policy can also reduce the rates significantly.
Finding Cheap Insurance for Women
With the internet becoming such a valuable resource, cheap insurance can be found almost anywhere online. You are able to compare the rates of the various insurance companies, from the comfort of your own home. Doing a simple Google search, will allow you to find a number of large, insurance companies that will find the insurance that is perfect for you. Make sure to read all of the technical jargon of the insurance company before picking it as your provider.
Cheaper Insurance
There are ways to ensure that a woman can keep her insurance cheap and occasionally even cheaper during the years. Through constant practice and dedication to their driving, insurance companies can offer lower premiums. A good example is lower premiums for women who do not claim from their insurance. A no-claim bonus can be collected, reducing the amount of the car insurance premium. Installing security features to the car can also reduce the premiums significantly. Make sure that the car is kept in a locked up garage or get an alarm installed. Making these small worth while security benefits to your car can decrease your insurance premiums and keep your car safer.
As an independent woman, finding the right car insurance for the right price is important. By knowing all of the basics it is more than possible to find the perfect policy for you.
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